Strategic Reflections

MISTRA facilitates a range of events in its own name or in partnership with other institutes on a wide range of topics.


MISTRA’s extensive network uniquely positions it to bring together various sectors of society to brainstorm difficult issues in a non-pressured environment, free from the constraints of formal, mandated interaction.

In addition, through the duration of MISTRA’s research projects a series of workshops are held involving a wider network of experts and policy-makers to test the hypotheses and outcomes of the research at its different stages and ensure that the final outcome adequately addresses the policy-making challenges. At the end of the research project a public conference is held to communicate the outcome of the research and to broaden the public discourse.

Strategic Reflections

Join us for an upcoming strategic reflection, or browse our past events.

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Explore Past Strategic Reflections

Access lectures, presentations and photos of past events arising either from the Institute’s research programme or from discussion and consultation with partners in the policy-making and research communities.

Unpacking the Syrian Imbroglio

Presentation by Na’eem Jeenah Moderated by Dr Yacoob Abba Omar

MISTRA’s 9th Annual PGM Roundtable

The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) is hosting its Ninth Annual Platinum Group Metals (PGM) Roundtable.

Migration in South Africa: Conflicts and Identities

The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) is pleased to invite you to the launch of its latest publication Migration in South Africa: Conflicts and Identities.