Webinar on Covid-19, Geopolitics and the Belt and Road Initiative

17 March 2021

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

In 2020, MISTRA developed a working paper to seek clarity on how COVID-19 impacts geopolitical relations around the world, with an emphasis on relations between China and Africa.

The working paper, drafted on MISTRA’s behalf by Dr Philani Mthembu (Executive Director of the UNISA Institute for Global Dialogue), unpacks some of the geopolitical dynamics affected by the pandemic, including the global role of China.

It further analyses the broader geopolitical ramifications of COVID-19 in different countries and regions, with specific focus on how the pandemic has shaped relations with, and perceptions of, China. It also looks into how the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) could be useful in boosting African economies as the world emerges from the pandemic.

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