Africa in the Age of the Thucydides Trap: Searching for global leadership and strategic thought
14 May 2024
South Africa
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection invites you to an online roundtable discussion with representatives of some of the parties contesting the upcoming elections on the topic Africa in the Age of the Thucydides Trap: Searching for global leadership and strategic thought.
The roundtable event will be conducted online via Zoom, and will be moderated by Dr Sithembile Mbete, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Political Sciences, University of Pretoria, and a leading commentator on South African and international politics.
As the international political system shifts towards multipolarity, economic and security competition among the great powers is intensifying. Some observers worry that the world might be in danger of falling into a ‘Thucydides Trap’, a term coined by political scientist Graham Allison to describe a situation in which the fear of a rising power displacing an established one leads to a conflict that harms everyone. However, such an outcome is not inevitable, and smaller countries may have an important role to play in pushing the world towards greater stability and peace.
How should South Africa position itself in response to these geopolitical trends? This roundtable will be an opportunity to discuss some of the most important global issues that will have an impact on our country and continent in decades to come.
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