MISTRA Annual PGM Roundtable 2020

5 November 2020

Zoom Webinar

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

The Mapungubwe Institute for Strategic Reflection (MISTRA) is pleased to invite you to its Fifth Annual Platinum Group Metals (PGM) Roundtable on the 5th November 2020. Taking place under the theme, Building a PGM Industry Social Compact for South Africa, this year’s roundtable aims to facilitate the central coordination of PGM activities in the country. In addition, MISTRA will launch a consolidated report on MISTRA’s previous annual PGM roundtables, entitled ‘Partnerships for PGM Beneficiation through the Hydrogen Economy’.

The major concern over the years has been the lack of synergy and collaboration among key stakeholders in the PGM and fuel-cell industry, as well as not having a central coordinator of PGM activities in the country. Participants in the previous MISTRA roundtables have shared views on how intentional collaboration between stakeholders in the PGM value-chain could strengthen the industry and provide the ability to take full advantage of the country’s endowment. A social compact has the potential to result in cooperative and wide-ranging actions by different partners in government, business, labour and broader civil society.

Your participation will be greatly valued. In the unfortunate event that you cannot attend, please do send a representative from your office.

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