Book Launch

Esays on the Evolution of the Post-Apartheid State

29 November 2013

Focus Rooms, The Core, Sunninghill Sandton

8:00 am - 4:00 pm

On the 29th November 2013 MISTRA launched its Research Report entitled Essays on the Evolution of the Post-Apartheid State: Legacies, Reforms and Prospects. 

The report is a collection of essays by independent scholars and researchers in various fields and from a variety of sources including, interviews, official documents, and reports. In its published form, it is intended to generate strategic reflection beyond issues to do with the day-to-day chores of governance.
The release of this report was the culmination of eighteen months of research undertaken by MISTRA’s Faculty of Political Economy, headed by Dr Mcebisi Ndletyana.  It sought to investigate the evolution of the South African state.  The scope of the project included the impact on transformation of the State inherited in 1994 as well as the transformation efforts that have been undertaken since 1994.

Publications/Reports related to this event


Essays on the Evolution of the Post-Apartheid State