The Role of Intellectuals in the State-Society Nexus

The Role of Intellectuals in the State-Society Nexus, explores various factors including the poverty of depth and relevance in the humanities and social sciences that have had the effect of undermining the contribution that intellectuals are able to make to the complex processes of social transformation.

If we are to talk of a ‘new’ intellectual movement, the question is begged: what happened to the ‘old’ intellectual movement? What happened to the thinkers who inspired and led our struggle against colonialism, apartheid and exploitation? In pursuit of answers to these questions, MISTRA hosted a roundtable in March 2015 on the theme ‘The Role of Intellectuals in the State-Society Nexus’. This book takes the roundtable’s inputs and debates into the public domain by recording the contributions of the main speakers, respondents, and questions from the floor.

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